Wednesday, September 28, 2011

How We Escaped from a Well with only a goat and a slinky.

In relation to our profile question, this is how we answered :)

So here's how it all went down...

Okay, so, ya see, I'mma (Hannah) call my husband, Jesus, on his cell phone. He's never too busy for me... so He'll be like, "What's up, sweetheart?" And I'll be like, "Well, honey, me and mah bestie Alexis are trapped in this here well with a goat and a slinky." Then Alexis goes "Well looky here, You can kinda see that we are having some troubles. Could you help us out? It'd be like legit."
 Jesus starts to laugh and replies "I already knew you were trapped in a well. And that goat is actually a llama."
Then Hannah screamed, "OH MY GOSH, EMPEROR KUSCO!" The llama and her started doing an epic battle with lightsabers, while Alexis continued to talk to the Lord on the phone. Alexis was chattin it up good on the phone with Jesus and started to say "So Lord, the man you created to create this slinky was probably an absolute brilliant idea." She started to play with it in her hands when finally Hannah walked over without a big toe. "Ooo looks painful."
Hannah smiled. "Eh, I'll be aight."
"Ummm, if you two aren't too busy," came Jesus' voice from the other end of the line. "I kinda have a blog for you to write... sooooo I don't know about you, but I'm thinking we should get you outta that well..."
*dead llama (a.k.a CUSCO!) twitches on the ground...*
"...Sounds like a pretty good deal," Hannah said slowly.
"So are we gonna do something with this slinky?" Alexis asked.
"No. Something way more parkore." Jesus replied. A loud snap came from the other end of the line and the two of them appeared at the top of the well. Alexis cried out "I left the slinky down in the well with that dead llama!!! It must be so frightened."
"By the way, that's how ya do PARKORE JESUS style!" Hannah shouted to the universe.

...and that's how we escaped from the well. And our blog was born...

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